Charts – Revenue (or Expense) by Project Type
This chart displays revenue by ‘Project Type’ in the selected date range. Revenue is based on completed tasks with associated revenue whether the revenue is realized or not.

Data used for this chart have the following requirements:
- Task must have an associated Income record
- Income does not have to be paid or paid in the selected date range
“Income Status”* selection changes the results as follows
- ‘Task is Complete’: Data will reflect income associated with a task where the task has been completed in the date range, regardless if the customer was invoice and/or the invoice paid.
- Task must be complete
- Task must have a date
- Task must be completed in the selected date range
- ‘Invoiced’: Data will reflect income associated with a task if the income was invoiced to the customer in the date range, regardless if it has been paid by the customer, if the task is complete, or the task date.
- ‘Invoiced Paid’: Data will reflect income associated with a task if the income was paid by the customer in the date range, regardless of it of when it was billed, if the task is complete, or the task date.
“Expense Status”* selection changes the results as follows
- ‘Task is Complete’: Data will reflect expenses associated with a task where the task has been completed in the date range, regardless if the vendor invoiced and/or the invoice paid.
- Task must be complete
- Task must have a date
- Task must be completed in the selected date range
- ‘Invoice Rec’d’: Data will reflect expenses associated with a task if the vendor invoice was invoiced to the customer in the date range, regardless if it has been paid, if the task is complete, or the task date.
- ‘Expense Paid’: Data will reflect expenses associated with a task if the expense was paid in the date range, regardless of it of when the invoice was received, if the task is complete, or the task date.