WHAT’S NEW v3.013.0317

Listed here are the latest enhancements and changes to SiteFusion

  • Financial Templates: Multiple templates can now be chosen and financial documents created from the ‘Project Financial’ screen
  • Financial Templates: Financial templates can now be renamed.
  • Projects: Now when a user marks a project on ‘Hold’ or marks a project inactive, SiteFusion will check if there are expenses with incomplete tasks, advise the user, and offer to create an email with a cancellation summary for the vendor.
  • Email Integration: Email integration has been added to most of the main menus to allow user to create emails with a summary of the selected records added to the email body automatically.
  • Financial Groups: ‘Group by Project’ has been added to the main financial menus for Income and Expenses. With this feature SiteFusion will group the selected records by Project instead of a single group