WHAT’S NEW v3.015.0497

Listed here are the latest enhancements and changes to SiteFusion.

  • Searching projects returned results outside of users allowed ‘Markets’ (if applicable). This has been corrected and now returns results for active and inactive projects only in ‘Markets’ user is allowed.
  • ‘What’s New’ form has been streamlined to only show the relevant information and removes the unnecessary knowledgebase website’s UI and overhead.
  • Account form has been updated and has been prepared for ACH payments in the future. For security, all payment information has been moved to and will now be only kept at our 3rd party payment handlers servers. This brings us into compliance will laws for all 50 states in the US. Previously we kept this information encrypted on our servers.
  • System setup form has been reorganized with tips and links to help pages on our knowledgebase site.
  • Assets‘ functions have been enhanced and several bugs have been corrected.
  • There have been many general bug fixes on the servers and client over the past few weeks. Many more issues and enhancements can be expected in the coming few weeks.