To “exclude” a word from your search results, simply put a minus sign (“-“) directly in front of the word you want to omit, without any spaces; this tells the search ...
If your organization requires invoices to have further review before the it can be sent to the customer, they system administrator for your company can check ‘Require invoice review’ ...
Listed here are the latest enhancements and changes to SiteFusion. Server security: Server communication security has been upgraded to a similar hash system used by Amazon Web Services, in ...
Listed here are the latest enhancements and changes to SiteFusion. Everything for this update is to improve database database performance. Server Requests: Several changes have been made to key ...
Listed here are the latest enhancements and changes to SiteFusion. Financial: ‘Task Complete Date’ columns has been added to the available column list in the Income and Expense tabs. ...
Listed here are the latest enhancements and changes to SiteFusion. Financial Groups: Column Management: An issue has been corrected where more than one Project Reference column being added would ...
This error can occur when trying to save a SiteFusion ‘Report’ to a OneDrive location when the document has ‘AutoSave’ set, and OneDrive set to Use Office applications to ...
Listed here are the latest enhancements and changes to SiteFusion Column Management: Added ‘Budgeted Year’ to the column selection available in the financial screens. The column ...