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WHAT’S NEW v3.015.0464

Listed here are the latest enhancements and changes to SiteFusion

  • Column Management: The content in all of the main screens will now be managed by Right-Clicking on the column headers where you want to insert a new column of data, remove or align a column, or ‘freeze’ a column from scrolling horizontally. Columns can also be dragged/dropped to re-order them. All changes are saved locally so if you move to a different computer you will no longer see the changes.
  • ‘Financial’ Tab: The following changes have been made:
    • Grouped records have had a series bug fixes and adjustments.
    • Grouped records will appear as a single line in all folders except ‘Pending Task Complete’ and ‘Waiting to be Invoiced’; Each line item from a Grouped record will appear as individual rows in these folders as each child may have a different status than the overall group.
    • Issues when creating a Grouped record from scratch have been addressed